RSM's headed to the Mountains!

When: January 24-27, 2013
For: Middle & High School
Where: Snowshoe, West Virginia
Price: $430

Join us as head up to the beautiful mountains of Snowshoe West Virginia for an awesome weekend of fun and fellowship.

We will once again be going with All Souls and some other churches in our diocese. We will be doing some fundraisers and scholarships are available.

Contact for more information. 
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Youth Alpha - "Beginnings"

We have had an awesome start to our semester and to YOUTH ALPHA. On Wednesdays nights this semester we will be going through the "beginnings" of our faith with YOUTH ALPHA. Did you know that over 19.6 million people have gone through ALPHA worldwide. Imagine the impact that these people will have for the gospel in their lives. WOW! That's amazing. I am praying for that same kind of impact in our group as well. That the RSM students would "continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose" (Philippians 2:12-13). May we all build the foundation of our faith on the Rock, our author and perfecter. This is going to be a great semester! Read More!

RSM is getting "RADICAL"

On the Wednesday after Lent RSM will begin an 8-week bible study from the book Radical by David Platt. From February 29th through April 18th all of our gatherings will be focused around learning about how God desires us to daily pick up our cross and follow Him. We will also be continuing this topic on Sunday Mornings before the late service at 9:30am for those who would like to go deeper. Make a commitment to come each week as we learn how to be more “RADICAL” for Jesus.

Check out this video below to get a glimpse into the book:

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