Guy Talk | Girl Talk

This semester during Common Ground we will be going through this study called "Guy Talk | Girl Talk". It biblically tackles some of the toughest issues that teenage guys and girls face everyday. We will be discussing these issues in a guys small group and a girls small group. The topics include:
  • Identity
  • Self Image
  • Friendships
  • Relationships
  • Wounds
  • Purpose
  • Gossip
  • Value & Worth
  • Character
  • Leadership
Students will begin to open up, share their thoughts and feelings, and witness the formation of deep and lasting friendships.

Please download and browse through the
Guy | Girl Lesson Guide to see exactly what will be talked about in each small group.

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Our God is Greater

"And if our god is for us, then who could ever stop us?
And if our god is with us, then who could stand against?"

Since I heard Brett Younker sing this at Student Life Summer Camp this summer these words have been running in my head and my heart. Straight out of one of my favorite chapters in scripture, these lines give me so much hope.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose...What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?"-Romans 8:28,31

I'm not sure why teenagers die before they reach the age of 16, or why children have to go hungry, or why disasters strike in the lowest income countries, but I do know that OUR GOD IS GREATER than all of those things.

Watch this video of Brett Younker and the band leading us in worship to our great god this summer. I hope this will be a reminder to you today that our god is greater than anything that you could ever go through in your life.

On Sunday, September 5th the students of RSM will be reading, leading worship, and giving a living testimony that OUR GOD IS GREATER! Come and see what the Lord has done. Read More!

Does Evangelism Work Anymore?

I know this question might cause some controversy, I am confident that the answer to that question is a huge resounding YES. I think the real questions is "How does evangelism work?" Especially when we live in a multi-religion culture where people are going to the buffet of beliefs and picking what suits them best in their lifestyle.

Isaiah seems to be confident as well in Chapter 55:
10 As the rain and the snow
come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty.

God has given us the gift of salvation and redemtion through the message of the gospel. That message is powerful and will not return void. We are called to take that great story and share it to our friends, family, church, city, state, country, nation, and to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8)

However, Greg Stier, the founder of Dare 2 Share Ministries is a little worried,
"How can such a seemingly dated message compete with instant messaging? How can amazing grace compete with The Amazing Race? The old rugged cross pales in comparison to a shiny new Xbox. In a world of Myspace, Plasma TVs and iTunes how can a 2,000 year old message from a Middle Eastern carpenter be expected to compete?"

See the full article here.
But we get back to the question of HOW. How do we share the gospel with others? The bible is pretty clear about doing it with compassion, clarity, and grace. Think of Jesus' conversation with the woman at the well. He went to where she was and, in love, gave her a clear message from the Father. That is what the Great Commission coupled with the Great Commandment is all about.

This month we are going tackle this questions of HOW do we share our faith with the people around us and what is the right "Way To Go" into the world. How to follow THE Cause of Christ. Check out THE Cause here and get so many other resources on sharing your faith and helping your teenagers do the same.

Here's some questions you can ask your teenagers:
1. What is one of the hardest things about talking to others about your faith?
2. What are your relationships like at school, what do your friends believe in?
3. How can you share your testimony with someone who doesn't know it this month? Read More!

LIFT 2010 Ski Retreat Slideshow

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In a book called "UNchristian" there are some alarming statistics from the Barna Group:

85% of 13-29 year-old non-christians know a christian.
15% of those people can see a difference in the way that they live.

When we obey our Creator people notice.
When we disobey our Creator people notice.

This month we are going through a series called Developing H.A.B.I.T.S. Will Change Your Life. We are going to be going through these 6 Habits:
H - Hang Time With God
A - Accountability With Another Believer
B - Bible Memorization
I - Involvement In The Church Body
T - Tithing You Time and Resource
S - Studying Scripture

As we come into this New Year, talk to your children about the ways in which they are living their lives for Christ.

Here are some more ideas:
  • Do a bible study with your children.
  • Memorize a Bible verse with them.
  • Serve in the church along side them.
  • Pray with them.
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We Are Cross-Culture Missionaries

The Center for Parent & Youth Understanding was born out of one Youth Leader's interest in culture and his church's parents desire to know more about the culture that their children where living in. As we get older, we naturally get farther and farther removed from the culture that teenage adolescents are immersed in. So we need some way of understanding what they are going through. CPYU and Walt Meuller have dedicated years to equipping parents and youth ministers to "Talk With" teenagers and help them develop into the Godly men and women they were created to be.

I am convenced, like Meuller, that as youth ministers and parents, we are called to be Cross-Cultural Missionaries, understanding the world that teenagers live in so that we can use God's Truth to help them along in this world that desires to bring them down.

Check out the CPYU Website for a great resource on Youth Culture or Walt Mueller's latest book that comes highly recommended for parents, "The Space Between Us."

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