These days everyone is getting makeovers, from new fashionable wardrobes, to plastic surgery, to botox. I don't think this is what God had in mind when he created us in His image. Do we really think we can be more attractive than God? This makeover that God offers us isn't about our look, it's about our heart. It's about the way that we treat ourselves, the way that we treat others, and the way that we treat God. He wants us to be made over to look more and more like Him on a daily basis. The challenge for us is to completely rely on God to change us, because a fashion consultant can't do it, doctors can't do it, and we can't do it on our own. We need God's help.
Here's some questions to start discussion with your teens:1. Do people at school pick on you for any reason?
2. If they are your enemies what can you do to love them?
3. Who would God say you are? Who is God to you?
Here's some activities you can do with your teens:1. Let them pick out one outfit for you at a store.
2. Pray with them before they go to school each morning.
3. Have a meal together and talk about the HIs and LOWs of that day.
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