Since we just started a new school year, and we just moved into a new place, what topic would be more appropriate than God Giving Us a Fresh Start. This is a 4-week series focuses on the basics of our faith like our spiritual identity, salvation, redemption, and forgiveness. Each and every day, God gives us a Fresh Start to follow his lead. The challenge is to allow God to make you a new creation daily so that you may follow him with all of your life. We'll get a chance to make a Fresh Start with each other and with God during this time.
Here's some questions you can ask you teen:1. What new challenges have you faced entering into this new school year?
2. How would you like God to make you new this year?
3. What is something I can pray for you about?
Here's some activities you can do with your teen:1. Go to the beach and check out God's beautiful, fresh creation.
2. Tell your teen your testimony and how God gave you a fresh start.
3. Give a plant a fresh start in your back yard or neighborhood.
4. Make a commitment to do something together just the two of you.
(ex. homework, exercise, play a sport, cook dinner for the family, etc.)
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